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Add MLB Live Game Scores to your Digital Billboard Dynamic Creatives
View the Lucit MLB Live Game Scores App Here Adding the Data Source Navigate to the Account you wish to add the MLB application. Click...
Add NBA Live Game Scores to your Digital Billboard Dynamic Creatives
View the Lucit NBA Live Game Scores App Here Adding the Data Source Navigate to the Account you wish to add the NBA application. Click...
How to set up a new campaign
Index: How to create a new campaign How to schedule Lucit with your Scheduling Software How to create a new campaign You will use the...
How to create a new account
How to create a new account From either your personal homepage or your Operator account homepage, there is an Add Account button that you...
Why social media advertising can't compare to OOH
Despite being one of the most popular forms of marketing, social media cannot compare to the effectiveness of out-of-home (OOH)...
What is a default creative?
Index: What is a default creative? What should I do if I see a default creative? How to update the default creative? What is a default...
The Perfect Out-of-Home Sales Pitch
The perfect out-of-home sales pitch doesn’t exi….. WRONG. It does. Keep these tricks in mind for the perfect OOH sales pitch. · Use...
Why OOH Executives Should Use Spec Art
According to Tasty Ad “spec art in the outdoor advertising industry is simply a series of ads created for a potential customer.”[1]...
Make your screens a perfect fit!
We have tons of advice that will help with industry-specific targeting. But what is it about Lucit that makes it possible to gain any...
Billboards Should NOT Stay the Same
Changing creatives is critical for campaign effectiveness and for client satisfaction. Stale creatives lead to disinterest, not just from...
Why Aren’t Local Rescues On Your Screens?
One screen could be the reason an animal finds its furever home. Offer local rescues/animal shelters free backfill if it is available, or...
Lucit Onboarding is Easy
Onboarding your screens to Lucit is easy. Send your Lucit representative the few items below to get started. Digital Screen Inventory....
Add Your Accounts to Lucit Before Your Next Pitch
Ready to show your first client Lucit? – Don’t forget to add them to Lucit, and upload a spec creative or two, before your meeting! This...
Jewelry Stores Will Advertise on Your Screens – If You Show Them What They Can Do
Jewelry stores will advertise on your screens, if you show them what they can do on them. Use their social media as your pitch...
Screens Nearly At Capacity? Give Them Lucit Anyway.
Screens nearly at capacity? Give them Lucit anyway, and here’s why. Giving advertisers Lucit increases overall satisfaction with...
Your Area is Full of These and They Will Advertise With You
Your area is full of retail clothing stores and they will advertise with you if you follow these steps. Use their social media as your...
They’re Using Social Media Like They Could Be Using Your Screens
Members of the beauty industry are using social media like they could use your screens. The beauty industry includes spas, salons or...
The health industry has millions in advertising budget – How to get that allocated to OOH
Surveys have found that the health industry spends millions of dollars in advertising every year. Pitch them something new and...
Don’t Skip Out on This Industry That Spends Millions in Advertising
Surveys have found that the health industry spends millions of dollars in advertising every year. Pitch them something new and...
An OOH Boom?
Retargeting, behavioral targeting, and the ability for apps and websites to track you across the web is dying, and Apple is leading the...
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