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Results found for "connectivity"

  • Essential resources for making the best templates!

    Here are a few of our favorite places to look - Stocksnap has a large collection of high-quality Their explore pages have a bunch of collections of all sorts of images ranging from product photos to Be sure to select the correct license for your work. While all of these sites have content that is okay to use in our template designer, not all of the content Always remember to check copyright laws and licensing agreements when utilizing content, such as images

  • Why OOH Executives Should Use Spec Art

    Visual learning is the most effective way to grasp a concept. “Visuals help people grasp concepts easily by stimulating imagination and affecting their cognitive capabilities

  • Every Gun Store in Your Area Should Be on Digitals

    only posting inventory, but also, posting sales/specials and general advertising like “We’ll buy your collection

  • How to Schedule Lucit in the Blip Player (old)

    interface – for the latest instructions, please see: How to Schedule Lucit in the Blip Player Important Concepts

  • How to Schedule Lucit in the Blip Player

    Important Concepts Each Blip Sign will have a separate Blip Ad assigned to it for each advertiser, this

  • How to Schedule Lucit in Watchfire OA Ignite Player

    Important Concepts There are a number of considerations to keep in mind when using the Watchfire Player Address to use for this login This login will need to be assigned to the campaign Create a new Dynamic Content using an RSS feed element Schedule the dynamic content to run NOTE: You can choose to have the Lucit Click Link Player For each sign you are creating an ad for, select the correct URL (Dynamic or Rotated notes above for the difference between Dynamic or Rotated In WatchfireOA, under Media, click Dynamic Content

  • Billboards in a Work-From-Home Age - How Does This Change How We Advertise on Them?

    According to TomTom, there has been a 19% decrease in congestion globally but not necessarily a decrease Collective Measures.

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